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Friday 19th December 2003

A quick summary, the time is now 19:26hrs in approximately 2an a half hours the official 2003 end of year beer fest will begin, i have broken up from work and am ready to get it on, LETS ROCK!!!!.

Friday 19th December 2003 Report

As the desiginated driver for this night i wasnt in a position to drink much beer, but the night was still a whole lotta fun, We began in the all so popular Yates but after waiting by the bar for mere minutes Stoi and Wildy grew impaticent, Quote "srew this man, we aint never gonna get served in here its bloody rammed" end quote, So we made our way to a more respectable establish known as the Littentree, several pints and an hour later we made our way for a club where stoi and Elys found an intresting mode of transport to assist them on their journey, it was a discarded shopping trolley, Elys promptly jumped aboard and Stoi pushed him down the street chasing several women and was travelling at breakneck speeds, a club we planned to go in was thrown into turmoil as Elys and Stoi tore past the bouncer who smiled and gave us a reassureing, "you buggers aint comin in here" wave, the trolley was therefore ditched at the protest of Elys, so we made our way to Atlantis, not long after entering Stoi eyed two loverly lass's, both reaching for there mid thirties or possibly forties, there is a snapshot of the ladies and stoi i just need to get hold of it, the night in general was a blast and was thourly enjoyed there were some after hours activity but i wont be mentioning that on here the people involved know who they are and i just wanna say congratulations on a job well done by all and a pat on the back for myself for some excellent driving with no headlights at 3:30am